Rue du Moulin 70
1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode

House for sale
1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode

ID 6598711
199,000 €
Exact address


Macnash North offers you a superb investment opportunity in the municipality of Saint-Josse. In a small building with no charges, we have on the ground floor: A +/-100 m² area currently used as offices, but with a possible conversion to residential use. We can regularize this conversion with the municipality. The authorized procedure will take a maximum of 3 months. A +/-30 m² outdoor courtyard. An +/-82 m² workshop to renovate, offering great potential. This property is close to all amenities and public transport. An excellent opportunity for a promising investment. If you are interested, please contact Macnash North agency at 02/881.22.93. Measurements and information are indicative and non-binding. Offer starting from €199,000

General information


Urban and technical informations

Flood risk
not located in flood area

Avenue Charles-Quint 124
1083 Ganshoren

+32 (0)2 881 22 93

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