1601 Ruisbroek

Plot for sale
1601 Ruisbroek

ID 6598288
134,000 €
Exact address


RUISBROEK - Building plot for sale in Ruisbroek! This 249 m² plot offers an excellent opportunity to build the home of your dreams in a quiet and pleasant neighborhood. With an asking price of €134,000, this plot is an ideal investment for those looking to build their home according to their own preferences, while respecting the applicable regulations. The regulations specify that the facades, exteriors, and coverings of the construction or group of constructions must be designed in the same architectural style, using the same materials. The overall design must be in harmony with the surroundings. Additionally, the height and profiles of the various constructions must be uniform or perfectly aligned to create a cohesive visual unit. For more detailed information regarding urban planning and subdivision regulations, you can contact brabant@macnash.com or call 02/381.27.80. This plot offers a unique opportunity to build your dream home in a beautiful, peaceful setting, perfectly integrated into the urban landscape.

General information

to be built


Ground area
249 m²

Urban and technical informations

Flood risk
not located in flood area

Winderickxplein 25
1652 Alsemberg

+32 (0)2 381 27 80

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